Horlicks Immunity TikTok Challenge – Engagement campaign to promote the usage of Horlicks


The ideology of Horlicks has always been to promote its nutritional values. Thus, we reinforced the ideology with an emphasis on ‘immunity’ through an engagement campaign that reached a broad audience.


  1. Showcasing the Product Mix
    Horlicks caters to different age groups (kids, elders, and women) with other products specially made for them. This TikTok challenge highlighted these various flavors, gaining wide recognition.

  2. Consumers as brand advocates
    The TikTok challenge allowed our consumers to experiment with Horlicks, showing its versatility and encouraging others to try it too.

  3. Brand recall and positive brand image among audiences
    Horlicks leveraged this UGC and achieved massive views and engagement on their branded hashtag and challenge videos, reinforcing a positive brand image.